Being a Man Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 36

Karsten123 said …
anyone want to have sex with me? I am 15 years old and I am 6'2 and muscular. Posted 2 months ago
I am 15 and yeah I completly get it lol I would love to have sex with a nice girl(I am male) I am a redhead and I do swim so I have a pretty muscular build sooooo, I don't know why this is so hard Help!! I know this will probably get me banned so I will have to look at responses as a guest or create a new account this is the third time it has happened lol but plz help Posted 2 months ago
AkazaUpperMoon3 said …
willing to have sex with a 15 year old? I live in the US Message me if so females only I am straight Posted 3 months ago
LikesBoys said …
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gays... Posted over a year ago
ggggg00000ggggg commented…
hehehe, being a man fan club is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo girly over a year ago
SeeUV3 said …
ok I used to be (well still am in some cases ) really sexist and im only realizing that now I used to think men are pigs who only care about sex and well I guess just sex but now I see some of them arnt that bad I still have a really weird almost fear of men though...anyone know how I can get over this so called fear? Posted over a year ago
SeeUV3 commented…
also are females allowed to join this spot?.... over a year ago
LikesBoys commented…
and how to get over your so-called fear? I'd say socialize. chat, you know? make friends with us. don't judge us. :) over a year ago
Max277 commented…
@LikesBoys agreed, most guys out there aren't bad. It's like that saying don't judge a book by it's cover, some guys can be really nice and sweet I have tons of guy friends their all kind. over a year ago
TARDIS-Granger commented…
We'll it is "interesting" that most of this club is about sex the being a woman one is about more ya know...being a woman over a year ago
KohakuJSMA said …
DANG! you guys have more pics of female models than the females club!
(but that's good)! Posted over a year ago
DBZFAN789 commented…
Ha!! over a year ago
FassMackee said …
Before you get your jocks in a twist, I know your not all like that. just the majority of you. tee hee Posted over a year ago
FassMackee said …
Aftere reading some of the trash posted here, you skidmarks know who you are. I am just saying you thiunk drugging a woman is fun? Read this, A calif. woman Catherine Kieu, rather then let her doughbag husband kick her to the curb, drugged his arse and CUT OFF HIS PENIS. Then proceeded to stuff it down the GARBAGE DISPOSAL!!! ROFLMAO. The husband later bemoaned THERE WASN"T ENOUGH LEFT TO SEW BACK ON!! I've suggested the Microwave in the past and the Garbage Disposal. tee hee. Posted over a year ago
Bladewarrior commented…
is that supposed to make them give a damn about what happens to other men or the bad shit they do over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
Women are incredibly sexist. over a year ago
DarkCruz360 said …
Cool I'm number 999 fan lol Posted over a year ago
KohakuJSMA commented…
awesome! over a year ago
DarkCruz360 commented…
-3- Right over a year ago
KohakuJSMA said …

PLEASE TAKE THIS QUIZ, GUYS!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
gingerbreadman8 said …
Handsome, Gentle, Embracing, Someone to admire, Love with fervent emotion, Defender, Hero, Safety in a man's arms, Loyal, Believes in and Encourages Her, Cherished words to her, Someone to enjoy being with, Head of the family, Provider, Counselor, a Giver, not a Taker, Brave, Muscular Posted over a year ago
KohakuJSMA commented…
yes. :) over a year ago
coriann commented…
yeah! especially about the muscular part ;P over a year ago
big smile
jamir21 said …
So anyway... I am a male and i like female Beyonce, Rihanna, Britney, Nicki, Mariah, Madonna, Lady Gaga and sort of Christina Aguilera !!!!!!!!!!!
Is that all right :) !!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury commented…
No dude, that's pretty f@cked up! Lol, kidding. :-P over a year ago
KohakuJSMA commented…
"boy you got my heartbeat runnin' away"! <3 over a year ago
LikesBoys commented…
omigosh, me too! but I'm gay, so... *flutters eyelashes* over a year ago
big smile
jamir21 said …
All of my favorite singers are FEMALES and I am a MALE ! Posted over a year ago
coriann commented…
like, that's normal, most girls favorite singers r hot teen boys, XD over a year ago
coriann commented…
plus you gotta like them they're hot! D: over a year ago
LikesBoys commented…
mine too! and i am GAY! over a year ago
crrazycake said …
Is it ok if I joined this spot? Or ppl will laugh at me? Posted over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury commented…
Not at all, go ahead. over a year ago
coriann commented…
i never thought about that O________O i joined and im a girl, what i wanted to know though was how come the girls have 5.000 members and the guys only 900 and something :P over a year ago
LikesBoys commented…
@coriann cuz guys chase girls, more than girls chase guys, what else? over a year ago
big smile
Bond_Of_Fury said …
Man-joke of the week:

What's the difference between an optimist and a pessimist? A pessimist says: "All women are stupid."
And an optimist hopes for it. Posted over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
LOL over a year ago
AWarnerS commented…
XDDDD) over a year ago
KohakuJSMA commented…
i don't understand...? over a year ago
lloonny said …
why there is a pic of a girl on the "icon pic"...there should b a boy Posted over a year ago
lloonny commented…
who ever is the creator of this club plz change the icon pic over a year ago
PkmnTrainerJ commented…
There's a discussion here - linkabout it if you want to join in. over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury commented…
This icon shouldn't change, IMO. It looks like it belongs on the wall of a construction trailer. over a year ago
LoganAnderson said …
i love being a man cuz i hav the most sexiest gf and i love all the thing tat we can do Posted over a year ago
mbehavior_lover commented…
what r the things you and your girl friend can do over a year ago
LoganAnderson commented…
ya right over a year ago
mindlessjapguy commented…
? over a year ago
AWarnerS said …
Like Killing-Is-Good and Bond_Of_Fury said, the girls on this spot should seriously get off. Some of us guys read your woman spot occasionally, but at least we don't whine about how mindless and boring it is. This spot is fairly acceptable. It's the only spot us guys have to talk about guy stuff, as most of Fanpop seems pretty female-centered. This is the "Being a Man" spot, not the "Girls Criticize Guys" spot. So let us just be guys, and grow up. Posted over a year ago
Killing-Is-Good said …
to all the girls on this spot GET OFF, ok? This is the being a man spot not being a woman spot, and there's a spot for you. Posted over a year ago
AWarnerS commented…
Yah. All the girls on the spot ever do is call us perverts, sickos, and pigs. Haters go against the spirit of Fanpop, so six words: Get the fuck off this spot! over a year ago
Killing-Is-Good commented…
High five over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
I've reported these pindicks Aw, Don't worry the upside is they'll all get Aids and die before long. I'm a woman and your daddys bitches. ;) over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury said …
-Taken from pick 'Favorite female body part...'- Once again, to all the girls on the Being a Man spot, calling us perverts and sicko's... Come on. It's not like you all don't enjoy a sixpack. Grow up, you little whiners. I thought girls where mentally more developed than boys were.

What I like most about a woman is her personality, but that's not a body part. This person is asking a simple question, try to deal with it. Posted over a year ago
Killing-Is-Good commented…
i agree over a year ago
AWarnerS commented…
Ditto over a year ago
11HiddenNinja said …
you males are soooooooooo cool... i love you all.

i hate being a female, so i will NEVER join the "being a woman" club. i refuse to do girl things, and dress like a girl "should", and i am NOT gay. Posted over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury commented…
You don't have to be gay for disliking to dress like a girl. Good for you. ;) over a year ago
Killing-Is-Good commented…
WTF over a year ago
11HiddenNinja commented…
but why? over a year ago
skipperfan5431 said …
This spot is utterly REPULSIVE! Posted over a year ago
youknowit101 commented…
Not really over a year ago
AWarnerS commented…
@skipperfan5431 Leave at once. Thx over a year ago
LoganAnderson commented…
no really if it is than how??? over a year ago
kelt123 said …
Give Me BOOBS Posted over a year ago
11HiddenNinja commented…
what? over a year ago
Killing-Is-Good commented…
no one is going to give you anything over a year ago
LoganAnderson commented…
go say tat to the girls and see if they will give u em cuz i kno my girl will hahaha over a year ago
Killing-Is-Good said …
Why the spot icon a girl? This should be about guys only. Posted over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury commented…
I think it's pretty logical, I mean she looks like she could be on a poster on a wall of a trailer for construction workers. I mean, what icon would you have chosen? over a year ago
Killing-Is-Good commented…
A picture that says "being a man" on it. over a year ago
alismouha said …
Here's what I think about manliness:
It's an overrated myth created by the stupid society to keep us,males,confined within certain ridiculous boundaries. Posted over a year ago
heisman7 commented…
huh? over a year ago
Master24 commented…
It's pretty easy to understand. over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury commented…
So how do you see yourself? over a year ago
ShaclowStalker said …
I'll try to become being a Man .... xD Posted over a year ago
InvaderRaven commented…
u can try... over a year ago
cleo-mermaid commented…
oh so your a girl? over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury commented…
Then stop listening to Owl City! Kidding :P over a year ago
RobinFan360 said …
can someone tell me...IF THIS IS A MAN CLUB WHY IS THERE SO MANY GIRLS??(tho im hear so...<.<) Posted over a year ago
TeamSongz4eva commented…
lol we girls just wann alook at what the men thank lol over a year ago
RobinFan360 commented…
yeah well guys look at our woman club but neer say anything. over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury commented…
My thoughts exactly. over a year ago
big smile
TeamSongz4eva said …
if i were a boy...i think i could understan ( but then prlly not) i be the man that everyone would be waiting for..... Posted over a year ago
Tayloraddict-1 said …
To be a man you need to stop being a little bitch and grow a dick Posted over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury commented…
You're not a man if you 'grow' a dick. That just makes you converted from a chick. over a year ago
TeamSongz4eva commented…
heh im sorry Jordan but the man is right lol over a year ago
spunkyonyx commented…
lolz over a year ago
Tayloraddict-1 commented…
lol over a year ago
TeamSongz4eva said …
i think im likne this club after all Posted over a year ago
TeamSongz4eva said …
heisman7 said …
Cool spot. About time that more guys stop being wusses and grow a pair. Posted over a year ago
ttammybrad12345 said …
this is kinda like porn..... Posted over a year ago
Emmalie1935 commented…
lmao Brooke ur crazy! haha over a year ago
TeamSongz4eva commented…
OMG TALK ABOUT MASTURBATING!!!!!! over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury commented…
There are even people with relationships who look at porn. Both men and women do. Well, both boys and girls... over a year ago
luv_u_lots said …
is there any sexy 17 year old men on here Posted over a year ago
jake_Gr commented…
me ;) over a year ago
luv_u_lots commented…
jake, u are definitely a womanizer!! ;D over a year ago
ttammybrad12345 commented…
jake your scaring them away!!!! sorry about him jenna over a year ago
luv_u_lots commented…
it's ok over a year ago
CornChips said …
Lol this club is funny Posted over a year ago
mona_me said …
being a man? i wish! Posted over a year ago
CornChips commented…
Really? over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
Me too ^^ Men rules! over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury commented…
@franny_potter: You know, some men have two ballsacks, and sometimes one of them randomly turns 720 degrees. Pain like that would make an angry pitbull faint. Eat me, childbirth! over a year ago